Kids’ Lab

Welcome to Kids’ Lab in summer 2024!

Kid’s Lab is open daily from 17 June to 11 August, from Monday to Sunday at 10.00 to 17.00. We welcome all children, youth and adults to participate in our fun program! Kid’s Lab is free for everyone.

In the morning, we’ll explore the aquariums and get to know who lives there, and also get to help look after the aquariums. In the afternoon we go to the beach and use handnets and aquascopes to study the sea and its inhabitants. In between, we’ll have Kids’ Hangouts where we’ll do lots of fun stuff! We can play the “Treasure of the Sea” boardgame, go on a children’s guided tour to the People by the Sea exhibition, take water samples to check for blue-green algae, do our own experiments, colour pictures of sea creatures and much, much more!

More information about the beach program

It’s a good idea to bring a swimsuit, especially if you’re an eager ocean explorer. Children under school age participate in the beach program with an adult. On weekends, we have “Family Kids Lab” on the beach, where each child should be accompanied by an adult. All children participate at the parents’ responsibility.

Follow us on Instagram @Knattelabbet for the latest updates!


– Wilma, Lena and Aija

Summer program 2024

During the autumn, winter and spring, groups are welcome to visit the Kid’s lab.

A warm thank you to the foundations supporting the Kids’ Lab:

Stiftelsen Brita Maria Renlunds minne
Svenska Kulturfonden
Svenska folkskolans vänner

The Unesco Biosphere Reserve of the Archipelago Sea is responsible for Kid’s Lab operations. Kid’s Lab is part of the Biosphere Academy’s program package, which also includes environmental education projects for kindergartens and schools in Parainen and Kemiönsaari.

The Kids’ Lab activities are organised by the Archipelago Sea Biosphere Reserve in tight cooperation with marine biologists at the Åbo Akademi University and the Archipelago Centre Korpoström.

Contact information

+358 (0) 50 323 3210